How long was your fast?
9 days

When did you fast?
March 2003

What was your age, gender, height, weight before your fast?
27, F, 5’5, 169 lbs

What was your weight after completing the fast? What is your weight now?
157 lbs; not sure

Why did you decide to fast?
for the experience

What was your biggest apprehension going into the fast?
none really. But, during my fast I became apprehensive about how to proceed after getting back to my everyday life.

Did you ever consider ending the fast during the process? If so, why? Why did you continue/stop?

Did you accomplish what you set out to do with your fast?
I went in with no expectations. I didn’t have a specific goal—except hopefully to improve general health.

Would you recommend that people have their fasts supervised? Why, or why not?
Yes—it’s comforting to know others have been through it and can offer insight as to your symptoms

Why did you choose to fast at the Tanglewood Wellness Center?
A friend had come and recommended it to me.

What was your experience like at Tanglewood?
very peaceful, pleasant

What did you experience during the fast?
My mind was sharp but I had some unpleasant gastro-intestinal episodes (and nausea)

How did you spend your time?
reading, sunbathing, resting

Just purified water? Were you hungry?

Did you get weak?
Yes—but not terribly—I was able to function quite normally.

What was the best part of the process for you?
Making new friends, hearing about others’ experiences

What was the most difficult part of the process for you?
Slowing down & resting; eating again has been surprisingly difficult—no desire

Was it ever painful?
Just the gastro-intestinal symptoms. It wasn’t unbearable, just discomfort that lingered for a few days

What are you experiencing now after the fast?
Still some weakness (3 days later) which I hope will change soon

Did you experience any changes due to fasting?
My skin looks very fresh and I lost weight

What kind of diet are you following after your fast?

Is eating difficult for you now that you’ve complete the fast?

Would you fast again?
Yes—but probably not for another year.

What advice would you give to other fasters?
It’s hard to give advice because everyone has distinctly different experiences