How long did you fast?
12 days and 2 days of refeeding.

When did you fast?
March 13-25, 2004

What is your age, gender, weight before your fast, and height?
25, female, 5’7″, 165 lbs.

What was your weight after completing the fast? What is your weight now?

Why did you decide to fast?
Lose weight, gain energy, revitalize, go raw, get in touch.

What was your biggest apprehension going into the fast?
Time commitment, money, worried it might not be as great as last time.

Did you ever consider ending the fast during the process? Why and why did you continue or stop?

Did you accomplish what you set out to do with your fast?

Would you recommend that people have their fasts supervised? Why or why not?
Yes, it’s good to be with a community of fasters for support – this is a huge advantage.

Why did you choose to fast at the Tanglewood Wellness Center?
Was here before and I liked it.

What was your experience at the TWC like?

What did you experience during the fast?
Very hard to do, lots of boredom and restlessness as part of the fasting experience, but I’m glad I did it. I feel like a new person.

What did you do all day?
Resting, some reading, listening to music, but not a long attention span.

Just purified water? Did you get hungry?
Sometimes I thought about food a lot.

Did you get weak?
Yes, and dizzy.

What was the best part of the process for you?
Eating (breaking fast), lying in the sun, meeting such wonderful and diverse people.

What was the most difficult part of the process for you?
Not able to do much but wanted to do stuff.

Was it ever painful?
Yes, my bones hurt.

What did you experience after the fast?
Still a little weak and tired but feel good.

Did you experience any changes due to fasting?
Yes, lost weight, skin cleared, feel more alert, happy, ready for life.

What kind of diet did you follow after your fast?

Was eating difficult afterwards?

Would you fast again?

What piece of advice would you give to other fasters?
This is the best thing you can do for yourself; you’ll get through it.

Additional suggestions:
Water in the bathroom smells horrible – hard to wash with it.