How long did you fast?
3 weeks.

When did you fast?
January 2001

What is your age, gender, weight before your fast, and height?
30, female, 5ft 5in, 98lb

What was your weight after completing the fast? What is your weight now?
Unknown, possibly 84lb

Why did you decide to fast?
Emotional clearing, detox, healing, renew, clear up yeast overgrowths, improve bowel tone, absorption of food, etc. Rest/meditation/inspiration/curiosity/overcome fears/addictions

What was your biggest apprehension going into the fast?
Fear of the unknown, weakness

Did you ever consider ending the fast during the process?

Why and why did you continue or stop?
Food addictions, emotional pain, boredom, fear, lack of patience. Broke it mostly due to anxiety about needing to go on a long journey.

Did you accomplish what you set out to do with your fast?
No, emotionally mostly but didn’t feel full benefits. Felt detoxing, wanted to continue longer.

Would you recommend that people have their fasts supervised? Why or why not?
Yes if you are fearful; unable to relax from life and take time out; I was very sick first time

What was your experience at the TWC like?
Mixed. Enjoy interaction with other people at events, felt alone, bored, depressed with such long periods alone and not outside in nature. When I was fasting and afterward I enjoyed outside activities afterwards. But at some times when I felt so peaceful and at one with myself. Loren helped me to work through many emotional issues and anxieties, certain books helped also. I felt frustrated with feeling weak but enjoyed the feeling of doing good to my body throughout the process.

What did you do all day?
Read, meditate, listen to music, yoga, write, sleep, just lie out and breath/think, sit outside, chat a little

Just purified water? Did you get hungry?
Drank a lot in beginning, little later. Felt uncomfortable in belly, dry mouth, food addictions

Did you get weak?
Yes, especially on rising, early and late afternoon with periods of activity/energy in-between

What was the best part of the process for you?
Getting “clean,” doing good to me, giving myself a rest, improving health especially bowel problems. Outside events afterwards. Seminars and events. Reading “Conversations with God.”

What was the most difficult part of the process for you?
Breaking fast how I did and reacting to food in disempowering way. Dealing with painful emotional issues.

Was it ever painful?
Back- lower but improved; bowel distention cramps a little; emotional pain

What did you experience after the fast?
Depression; nausea, weakness, coldness, fear, addictions, optimism of future; better bowel movements, less muscular pain, happier to eat fruit, less afraid.

Did you experience any changes due to fasting?
Learned a lot about coping with fear/emotions/addictions. Much more confidence and optimism, better bowel movements, less spacey in general; feel cleaner.

What kind of diet did you follow after your fast?
Loren’s recommendations, binged a few times on cooked food initially; eating a fair amount of greens.

Was eating difficult afterwards?
Yes – emotionally

Would you fast again?
Definitely- hopefully in nature. Now I know what to expect.

What piece of advice would you give to other fasters?
Read, learn about fasting first, speak to others. Set yourself up with ‘tools,’ time out, support or go to center. Choose right environment and time of year if possible. Be enthusiastic about it. Be gentle on yourself. Try to transition before if possible, both for physical/emotional benefit.

Additional comments:
Good to meet other people at center. Experience events. Have support with process. Loren- you’re a saint!!