How long was your fast?
21 days

When did you fast?
December 18 – January 7 2006

What was your age, gender, height, weight before your fast?
Age: 25, Height: 5’2”, Weight: 125 lbs

What was your weight after completing the fast?
105 lbs

Why did you decide to fast?
To cleanse mind, body, spirit. To cleanse my body of candida. To rest and be centered. To create clarity in mind.

What was your biggest apprehension going into the fast?
Fear of boredom.

Did you ever consider ending the fast during the process? If so, why? Why did you continue/stop?
No way. I knew that I was only going to benefit, and the moments where I felt like giving up were those very moments where I knew I would grow the most if I chose to persevere.

Did you accomplish what you set out to do with your fast?

Would you recommend that people have their fasts supervised? Why, or why not?
Yes, it is very helpful to be able to talk about symptoms – all kinds, and it was reassuring to have the vital signs checked. It is also very important to be sure that one is hydrated enough, since the amount of water can be different for everyone; there is no set amountl.

Why did you choose to fast at the Tanglewood Wellness Center?
The philosophy, approach to holistic health awareness, the natural food diet, and Loren’s experience.

What was your experience like at Tanglewood?
Very cleansing, in more ways than one.

What did you experience during the fast?
Restlessness, kidney pain, lower back pain, weakness, dizziness, low energy, insomnia

How did you spend your time?
Laying down mostly, some reading and journaling, meditating and praying, lots and lots of thinking! (too much sometimes!)

Were you hungry during your fast?
at times – but mostly it was from my psychological cravings and fantasies!

Did you get weak?

What was the best part of the process for you?
Being still – when do we ever have a chance to do that? Also experiencing time, moment to moment (since each moment was usually exactly the same as the one before – laying in bed!) Little fun treats as well, such as beautiful butterflies visiting us in our room, the neighbors very friendly parrot flying down to visit us, as well as movie nights when it felt like a family slumber party (without the popcorn of course!)

What was the most difficult part of the process for you?
Being still!

Was it ever painful? Did you experience discomfort?
Yes, my kidneys hurt an awful lot – too much salt and caffeine being detoxed through!

What are you experiencing now after the fast?
Renewed and heightened energy levels, clarity, motivation – and a deep sense of peace and happiness.

What kind of diet are you following after your fast?
Fruits and greens – the more simple, the better. Lots of papaya for sure while I’m down here, and I’m counting the days till the mangos start dropping from the trees….

Is eating difficult for you now that you’ve complete the fast?
I need to eat a little at at time and take it slow.

Would you fast again?
Yes! I would like to try a longer fast supervised, and I know I will continue to do shorter fasts on my own.

What advice would you give to other fasters?
Trust in yourself and trust in your body’s natural intelligence and abilities to cleanse.

Additional Comments:
muchas gracias to everyone!