How long did you fast?
Two weeks.

When did you fast?
January 2001

What was your age, weight, and height before your fast?
24, I think I was about 115 lbs., and I’m just under 5’10”

What was your weight after completing the fast? What is your weight now?
I never weighed myself but from just watching my body, I lost less weight than I thought I would. I am steadily gaining weight back. Though I’ve always been very thin, I would like to reach a more average weight for my height. I certainly did not fast to lose weight.

Why did you decide to fast?
I wanted to fast to detoxifying and cleanse my system. Fasting is a non-invasive and natural way to cleanse the body. Having a cleaner body can come through years of eating living, organic, vegan foods. However, it can jump-start the process of breaking down toxic tissues so you can rebuild with cleaner tissue. Fasting for two weeks will accomplish what eating living, organic, vegan foods would accomplish in 3-5 years. I wanted to fast to jump start my cleansing process and also just wanted the experience. I had tried short ones before on my own and this was an opportunity to really do it right.

What was your biggest apprehension going into the fast?
I was concerned about being very weak.

Did you ever consider ending the fast during the process? Why and why did you continue or stop?
Yes, on the eighth day I wanted to call it quits. It was mostly because I wanted to get back to things, my friends, my work, my life. But after some reconsideration, I decided to continue; it was too good an opportunity to have the time to do the fast and it would be quite awhile before I would have the opportunity to do it again. I also felt that I wasn’t doing it all just for myself. One motivation was that by having a cleaner system, I could more effectively help other people and the planet. Another motivation was that by having a cleaner system, I would be improving the health of my future children.

Did you accomplish what you set out to do with your fast?
Yes and no. One goal was just to actually go the whole two weeks. I felt like I could’ve gone longer but was happy to get back to things. Another goal was giving my body the time and energy to focus on healing things like my knees – they have always given me problems and they ached a bit during the fast. I won’t really know if they are doing better until it gets warmer and I get more active. I was also kind of hoping my eyesight would improve but it hasn’t. I think that takes more time and will come with eating properly. I didn’t go in with the goal of completely detoxifying my system. I was very aware that that could take quite a long time. I have continued to detoxify afterwards, though not as much as while I was fasting.

Would you recommend that people have their fasts supervised? Why or why not?
Yes. There were a few occasions where if I had been on my own, I would’ve been concerned or unsure enough that I might have broken my fast. I tried a short fast alone once and did not feel confident in making decisions about my health since I knew very little about the process of fasting. It was reassuring to be around others going through the same experience and having someone keep a watchful eye to make sure I was really ok.

Why did you choose to fast at the Tanglewood Wellness Center?
Loren Lockman has been supervising fasts for 8 years and I felt comfortable trusting his advice. I also spoke with several people that had fasted at the Center and heard very positive things.

What was your experience at the TWC like?
Very homey. Loren lended support and reassurance. I also liked fasting at the same time as another woman, Kay, for we supported each other and it was just a comfort to be around each other.

What did you experience during the fast?
Very little pain. A lot of restlessness. No hunger. Time to really evaluate my priorities in life. Some weakness. My cravings for certain foods eventually faded. All I wanted the first week was coffee and cheesecake. The second week, I was looking forward to tangerines. I haven’t had cheesecake since and I have no desire at all for it. I broke my fast with half a tangerine and it was the most exquisite experience- my taste buds were dancing.

What did you do all day?
Read, wrote, laid in bed, sat in the sunshine, sat and thought, sat and reminisced, sat a lot.

Just purified water? Did you get hungry?
Actually I was surprised. I didn’t even get hungry the first day like I would’ve expected.

Did you get weak?
Yes, but not as much as I was worried I would. I just had to take things a little slower and not move around as much or as quickly.

What was the best part of the process for you?
The time to think. The time to sit. Sometimes my head wouldn’t let me sleep but it really allowed me the time to work through some things that when you are busy you don’t always get around to directly addressing in yourself.

What was the most difficult part of the process for you?
The restlessness. I have a lot of things I want to do and not to do them was a little frustrating, but after I really let those things go, when I really allowed myself to do nothing in particular, it got much better.

Was it ever painful?
Not really. My stomach hurt a few times and I had a few aches here and there.

What did you experience after the fast?
I was a little weaker than I expected but it didn’t take me long to get back in the swing of things. The most surprising aspect was the thrust back into a different aspect of reality. It’s amazing the kinds of lives we can lead; taking that kind of time to physically and mentally rest helps give you time to put things back in perspective.

Did you experience any changes due to fasting?
I lost some weight but not too much. I felt good and just generally healthy afterwards but a little frustrated with the initial weakness. I know that will build with time though, as will weight gain in general. I was thin to begin with and I am looking forward to being able to better reach and maintain the ideal weight for my height.
Other changes were just through getting back into touch with the undercurrents of my heart, what is important to me in life, and how that fits into what I am doing with my time everyday. It was an experience I think you can have without fasting, but fasting in particular helps to release a lot of stored tension and emotional experiences and if resting properly, can really allow things to heal, both physically and mentally.

What kind of diet did you follow after your fast?
95% raw, vegan, frugivorous foods- 70% fruit, 25% leafy greens, and 5% seeds and nuts. I ate this way about a month before I fasted. Before that I was essentially vegetarian and usually vegan. I choose to eat organic food and try to maintain an environmentally and socially responsible lifestyle- it’s really a form of health insurance, and cheaper in the long run really.

Was eating difficult afterwards?
Yes and no. There have been a few times where I’ve eaten cooked and non-vegan foods. I found things much saltier than I remembered but still tasty. And the mental attachment to coffee is still there. However, I’ve found with each time I’ve had these things, it has been less and less rewarding and that I am gradually craving more foods that are healthy.
Eating organic fruit and salads though helped continue my detoxification process, which has been a little hard sometimes. Occasionally I have gotten headaches or gotten a little down. Leafy greens helped slow down the detoxification process so if I am not up for feeling that way, a salad helps a lot. I know it will be a long process but in the end will leave me feeling amazing. I already have more energy than I have in a long time and just feel sturdier and healthier with each passing day.

Would you fast again?

What piece of advice would you give to other fasters?
Have patience. Perfection should be a standard to aim for, not something to beat yourself up about if you don’t always reach it.

Additional comments:
Fasting is a powerful process. It doesn’t always feel good but the fact that fasting for two weeks will accomplish what eating properly would accomplish in 3-5 years is encouraging. You are doing yourself a favor.

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