How long was your fast?
4 Weeks.

When did you fast?
Sept 16th to Oct 14th.

What is your age and gender?
36 years old. Male. 63 Ft. 192lbs.

What was your weight after completing the fast?

Why did you decide to fast?
To rid my body of all toxins due to eating cooked foods, alcohol, drugs, medications, inorganic foods. To regain my body back to as close to natural as I could get it.

What was your biggest apprehension going into the fast?
Not eating for 3 weeks, how much weight I would lose, how I would feel physically and mentally and was it possible for me.

Did you ever consider ending the fast during prematurely? If so, why did you continuestop?
No, I wanted to accomplish my goal.

Did you accomplish what you set out to do with your fast?
Yes and no. Yes I started the process to living a better lifestyle and eating better. No, I could have gone longer. I still feel there are some toxins to be rid of.

Would you recommend that people have their fasts supervised? Why, or why not?
Most definitely, it is reassuring to know that someone educated is around physically every day to support you.

Why did you choose to fast at the Tanglewood Wellness Center?
It just seemed like the right fit.

What was your experience like at Tanglewood?
Fast Everyone was great. Internship Learned a lot about myself and living in a community. Tanglewood A blissful, beautiful place.

What did you experience during the fast?
Physically Muscle weakness, hunger, exhaustion, tired, draining, sleepy. brMentally Brain fog, agitation, anger, powerless.

How did you spend your time?
Resting, sleeping, reading, drinking lots of water.

Were you hungry during your fast?

Did you get weak?
Very weak, drained, no energy, sore muscles.

What was the best part of the process for you?
When it was over.

What was the most difficult part of the process for you?
Feeling so weak and not being able to do things I wanted to do (physically).

Was it ever painful? Did you experience discomfort?
It was physically very painful Muscles joints.

What are you experiencing now after the fast?
Muscles are taking a while to gain back strength, energy is still very low, brain fog.

Did you experience any changes due to fasting?
Loss of weight, muscle mass.

What kind of diet are you going to follow after your fast?
Raw fruit vegetables.

Is eating difficult for you now that youve completed the fast?
Not at all.

Would you fast again?

What advice would you give to other fasters?
Be prepared to rest as much as you can, to be as comfortable as possible, drink appropriate amounts of water, believe in yourself and that you can do this.